Anchor Boys (5 to 7 years)


At an age when fine motor skills are improving and imagination runs wild, the BB Anchor Programme gives boys the anchoring qualities that will benefit them for the rest of their lives ‒ stability, duty, faith, resoluteness, discipline, and self-respect.

Interacting with positive male role-models to lead the way
Object and Values

Good habits, contribution to community and teamwork, together with a healthy dose of fun, are instilled through activities like kite making, camping and exploration.

Turning adventuresome boys into respected young men
Why Anchor ?
Make new friends and earn awards. With an emphasis on teamwork-based learning, the 3-year Anchor Programme awards boys badges to recognise their accomplishments. Badges are arranged by three themes—dinosaurs in year 1, sea creatures in year 2 and big cats in the third year.
Edge Workshops
BB New Zealand
2/2B William Pickering Drive
North Shore
Auckland 0632